Top Ways to Develop a Customer-Centric Content Strategy

The most important thing to do for a business is to adapt to a customer centric approach. The top ways to develop customer-centric content involve making content that is sensitive and related to the life of users, getting feedback from users to improve your business, solving queries of customers effectively, using more localised keywords, knowing customer behaviour and interests to build their personas and lastly, follow benefit based content approach. In this blog, you will find what customer-centric content is and the top ways to develop it. So, let’s start-  

What Is Customer-Centric Content?

It is a business strategy that is based on putting your customer first and at the core of your business so that you can provide a positive experience and build long-term relationships. Thus, It is focused on your customer to address their needs, interests, and expectations. And also how your product or service assists them in solving problems or improving their lives. Therefore, Businesses are now increasingly making their marketing strategies by deeming customer requirements as a central pillar. Consumers of today’s world are more intelligent and more educated than the previous ones. Therefore, the traditional ways where product was taken as the central pillar of sales need to be abandoned as soon as possible.  

Why Is Customer Centric Content Important?

71% of customers expect content that is personalised to their needs and interests, according to a report by McKinsey & Company. Therefore, to cater to shifting customer behaviours and preferences, customer-centric content is important. Furthermore, it generates trust, enhances customer loyalty, increases brand visibility, boosts sales and, lastly, creates reputation.  

Top Ways to Develop a Customer-Centric Content

1. Result-Driven Content

People have become sensitive to what others think of them. Moreover, they are gravely impacted by the shit going around them. Therefore, create content that is relative to their lives and the developments under which they are. Making content after knowing about it by predicting the mindset or behaviour of your user can greatly elevate your customer-centric content strategy.

2. Benefit-Based Content Approach

In the marketing field, a lot depends on what information you convey to your consumer about the product; sometimes, making catchy headlines won’t benefit you as much as following a benefit-based marketing approach. There are various ways of saying the same thing. For example- consider selling a pendrive by advertising it as 30 GB or try saying that it can store 1000 songs. Now you decide which way is better. Of Course, the latter one.

3. Know Consumer and Build Persona

Knowing customers before making content can drive your sales humongous. Find your consumer behaviours and interests. Build personas to keep the data further and to select interactive consumers. Finding your targeted consumer can filter out and refine your strategy thereby boosting both revenue as well as sales. As per the ITSMA study, 24% of lead have been acquired by the companies using personas.

4. Answer Consumer Questions

A core value of top-quality content is that it guides the user effectively and in simple words. Therefore guiding and helping consumers to make the purchase decision can tilt the scales in your favour. At the same time, you can mention your products as an example. This tactic enhances trust and builds reputation. Over 99.9% of people read reviews before shopping online, according to a report by PowerReviews.

5. User-Generated Content

Content generated by users is known as user-generated content. It can be found in many forms, such as comments, reviews, testimonials, videos, images, etc. The content generated by users enhances your reputation and earns you loyal customers. Moreover, it boosts your sales and traffic. Consumers today believe more in user-generated content and the advice of their previous customers. Thus, ask your loyal customers to form testimonials and write positive reviews and comments.

6. Getting Customer Feedback

It is the most trustable pillar to see your business grow. Nobody can tell where you are genuinely lacking or where your product needs improvement except a valuable customer. You can get in touch with your customers using chat, sending emails, SMS, and making phone calls. This, contacting customers to find flaws or discrepancies, can make your business more localised and customer-centric. This is what now every major business is doing.

7. Generate Top Quality Content

Give top-quality content that is valuable, informative, accurate and based on authentic sources and facts; top-quality content fulfilling all of the above criteria leaves a great impact. However, do not try to pitch or advertise your product; give your users top-quality content only. Providing high-quality content can help you generate solid backlinks, improve click-through rates and give a great user experience to your users. Once you know the art of building high-quality content, you can have the trust and loyalty of your customers, then they will most likely consider you before buying any relevant product.

8. Brainstorm Keyword Ideas

Most individuals remain limited in expanding their product searchability even after generating high-quality content. So, instead of boasting about your product features, try anticipating what your users are searching for. You can take the help of Ranktracker, AnswerThePublic and Google Keywords Planner to get insights into what your users have in their mindset. Find if the questions are closely relevant to your product, select the most high-ranking keywords of them, and now frame your content-making strategy around them.  


Every major business is shifting towards making customer-centric content to enhance their trust, build their reputation, gain a high amount of traffic and boost sales. The top ways to develop a content strategy are making result-driven content, following a benefit-based content approach, making customer personas, knowing your audience, getting user-generated content and lastly, realising suitable keyword ideas. All of these ways, when followed collectively, make your content customer-centric and help you a lot in ramping up sales and revenue. Additionally, it makes you closer to your customers, thereby building relationships based on trust and reputation. Making your customer-centric strategy isn’t hard to do. However, if you still find it difficult. Why don’t you consider handing it over to someone who has expertise and experience of years, Get in touch with Rankingeek. Contact us today!
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