What Is the Future of SEO in 2024? Eight Important SEO Trends

future of seo in 2024

The future of SEO is optimistic, which means it will flourish in the future as it depends on human searches, so it can be said as long as humans are alive SEO will thrive. However, there is an increasing expectation that it may get personalised as it is vulnerable to advancing technologies, continuously evolving software and tools, shifting user intents, newly rising demands and requirements, and lastly, enhanced security and privacy concerns. 

Therefore, a person indulging in digital business must stay aware of these rapidly changing trends. It’s better if he keeps thorough knowledge about the usage of these evolving technologies and software. Here, you will learn eight important SEO trends that have the potential to boost your website rankings and organic traffic.

8 Potential SEO Trends to Predict SEO Future

Recently, the world has witnessed major changes, such as the rising trend of Mobile SEO, the change in Google EEAT guidelines, the prevalence of multimedia and the advent of AI. Hence, all of these are impacting the world and contributing a lot to making trends, and here are 8 of them.

1. Increase in Voice Searches

Users are shifting to voice searches, especially after the arrival of chatbots such as Google Home, Amazon Alexa, etc. As a consequence, people are using long keywords to search for their content.

As per Google, in 2016, 20 percent of the searches were done by voice, which in 2018 increased to 27 per cent. The potential of voice search can be easily understood by knowing that as per Statista, a reputed German platform, the market size of the voice recognition market in 2020 was $10 billion, and now it is expected to touch $27.16 billion by the end of the year 2026. Now, you know the skyrocketing trend of voice research. 

When most of the people were asked about why they gave preference to voice search, 90 per cent of them believed voice search is an easier way of searching, and 70 per cent believed voice search provides them answers quickly, as per Demand Sage, a reputed American company. Realising all of this, businesses are increasingly adopting long-tailed keywords, natural language processing and providing their user voice search features.

2. AI for SEO

The adoption of AI has doubled since 2017, according to a report by McKinsey, an American company. It has gone at expansion despite the fact that it is still under development. In consequence, it often makes mistakes, and then the user has to give prompts again and again until it gets the desired answer. The rise of AI at this pace was unexpected, but as we see, because of its potential, businesses are increasingly using it to enhance their productivity and boost their sales. 

The AI breakout caught a huge speed when the giant search engine professed its views about it by posting an article named ‘Google search guidance about AI generated content’. It advocated that it does not harbour any aversion to Artificial Intelligence. Instead, the giant has always believed in enriching the content and enhancing the user experience of its users using AI. After this move, all the major digital companies have made machine learning an inherent part of their business activities for implementing SEO. Most of the people who use this revolutionary technology are from the United States, and India is just behind it, grabbing the 2nd spot. Hence, the potential of AI in implementing SEO strategies is ramping up.

3. Mobile and Local SEO

Making your website compatible with devices such as mobile enhances the chances of getting higher and gives it the desired traffic. The world population has been estimated at 8 billion, of which 6.8 billion people have smartphones, which clearly signifies that mobile penetration has gone to 80 per cent. Furthermore, it can cross 7.5 billion by 2026. Now, one can easily understand the trend of mobile SEO and its importance. 

Local SEO is also a vital part of enhancing business visibility and reputation. As per a survey conducted by Brightlocal, 46 per cent of all Google searches are all about local businesses. Thus, to gauge its importance, you must register your business on portal and media platforms such as Google Maps. 

4. Enriching User Experience and Shifting Intents

Your content must adhere to enriching user experience and address the shifting intents of your audience. Google wants to provide its users with exactly what they are searching for. Moreover, it also desires to keep them restricted to itself and switch to its services more and more. Albeit, Google likes fresh content, and the content should also be of top quality. Hence the old days of posting quantitative have gone. Search engine prefers quality over quantity which it has clearly stated in its updated guidelines of 2022.

Intents of masses are constantly shifting, impacted by the changes happening in their surroundings and also because of the introduction of new technologies and new ways of searching. Thus, you should know the behaviours, preferences and intents of your masses, and you can trace them easily by using the analytics section of your platform. Google now monitors how much time users spend on your website. How many pages the user browses on your website before it leaves? 

5. EEAT Guidelines

EEAT stands for Experience, Expertise, Authority and Trustworthiness. The giant uses these guidelines to find in your content expertise, experience, authority and trustworthiness. Therefore, you must show Google that you have expertise by mentioning top-quality information which must be up-to-date.

The way of putting relevant data in your blog will highlight your experience. Also, mention authoritative sources and do not forget to address the negative feedback and comments of your users; addressing these will enhance the trustworthiness of your website. Overall, Google desires that you care about the masses and make and post your content accordingly. These guidelines are not a ranking factor, but to rank higher, your content must conform to them. 


The future of SEO cannot be determined confidently, as the world is evolving continuously with the arrival of new technologies and innovations. However, according to the ongoing trends, the future of SEO seems promising. Huge increases in voice searches, shifting user intents and google’s algorithms and use of AI in SEO have made the process of applying SEO complex but effective. In case you need any help in your business for boosting organic traffic or creating quality content. You must get in touch with Rankingeek; with specialised and dedicated teams, it has the potential to provide you top quality services. Contact us today!

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